First Eucharist

 We are so excited that we can be a part of your child’s journey to make their First Communion!  What a joyous occasion!  Please contact the Parish Office for more information 315-902-4130


As the USCCB describes,

“First and foremost, the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a powerful experience of God’s forgiveness and mercy. It is a tangible sign of God’s desire to reach out to us throughout our lives, even in our sinfulness, and help us reconcile ourselves with him and with our brothers and sister, repair the damage done by sin, and grow in our relationship with God.”

“God’s actions in the sacrament include restoring us to his grace and reconciling us to himself and to the Church.”

For more information on First Reconciliation, please click on the link:



For more information on the Eucharist, please see the USCCB website: